tomorrow starts another super hard work week.
think i have saturday off, but that's the only day before
next sunday. nothing i really wanna do, but what can i do.

we've had a great easter, a really fat one to. but it's
easter so it's OK. i always find a reason to eat lollies!

we've also had some romantic days out in the sun this
weekend. picnic in "boulongern" (the park in town),
on the fantastic spring days. pics are comin up. 

pretty proud of us, we've started to take long walks,
from town or to town, it depends what time of the day
it is. but it's hell nice, you can almost feel the fat burn
off ya! haha.

we've had some fun with the pics we took this winter,
we looked at them and took the same pics now without
the snow. goin to put them up to, just because they are
so cool. maybe not now, i'm to tired right now.

first i'm goin to help my love with his home work.



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