
well. i'm starting work in two hours. i'm so sick of these night shifts every
stupid week end. but the good thing is tho, that we're leaving in like 5 weeks
and i'm just working for another 4. awesome!! 

we were sitting on the porch all wednesday with affe and her new boyfriend. 
it was really nice and fun. we had super weather to! happy happy girl. 

feels like i'm pretty much living at work at the moment, even if i just have
likte 3-4 shifts a week. i guess i shouldn't complain to much..  4 weeks.. 

i gave my tomorrow night away, i couldn't be bothered working another
saturday night.. so sick of it. lol 

well, we'll see what happens tomorrow.. 

i should go up and shower now so i'll be in time for work. 
wish me a great super night with lots and lots of enoying drunk people..



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