
have had a nice calm weekend. a lot of cleaning in our new
room, but i kind of think it's pretty fun. because i'm a rock star!
i've got it pretty cozy down there, just a few more things to do
and then i'm finaly done with it. yeeey.

hopefully i get to work tomorrow. me boss calls me in the morning
and we'll see how it goes. i really really really wanna work!
i love me work, we have so much fun!

and on wednesday, i'm goin to try out another job. i really can't
spell the name of the place, i have to learn that, but it's like subway
so. we'll see how that goes. cross ya fingers! maybe i end up
with two jobs. great!

after work tomorrow, i have a lot to do.  first i have to take like 3 showers
to get rid of the fish smell, after that i have a few things to take down
to our room, and i have to choose what to wear and do my make-up and hair.
i have to look the best.
cause, at 7 jossie's pickin me up and we're goin to arlanda to get me baby!
finaly finaly finaly he gets here. can't wait to see him again, after two
months apart. never again!

nope i'm not even a little bit tired, what's wrong i haven't slept in days!
i'm goin to continue with me "rules of engagement" maraton.


Postat av: joss

Hard working woman ;)))))

2011-01-17 @ 15:23:16

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